Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A fundamental analysis

What are stock markets? What is getting traded there? Stock markets are nothing but selling the ownership of the company. What is valued here? Here it all depends on how you evaluate a company. If you go to a grocery shop you will buy fruits. How do you decide the value of the fruit? It all depends on your needs, also relation between demand and supply. If you get more fruits in the market and if there is a less demand obviously the rate would be lesser. It is same here in stock markets too.  More the buyers for a stock in company, more price of the scrip.

Why there will be more buyers for a company in the stock market? It all depends on how the buyers give valuations to the company. If they think the company will get more valued in the coming years then the current prince of the company is cheaper and they want to buy.  Still a question hangs, what is the value of a company? A company is of higher value if the net assets of the company are higher. How to value the net assets of a company? Assets of a company means everything that's owned by the company, includes land, building, infrastructure to even a smaller thing like a pen owned by the company too.  So valuations of a company depends upon valuations of many other things that's owned by the company. valuations of other things depends on the market that those goods or traded.  So essentially giving value to a company needs identifying,giving valuations to each of the products that's traded in the market.

How the net assets of a company going to increase? The net assets of a company can increase if the company makes profit. What is the way of making profit? It could be by gains on the capital owned by the company or it could be operating profit. Sometimes value of the land owned by the company increases, that's a capital gain. They gained profit just because they own that property. What about operating profit? Each company has its own set of clients, customers. If the company serves its clients or sells its products to lots of  customers very well , then the company will make more profit. That's an operating profit. That's highly valued in calculating valuations of a company. Higher the operating profit higher the chances of company adding more net assets.

How the operating profits can be increased? As it was discussed operating profit of a company depends upon how they serve their clients or how they sell their products to their customers.  How a company serve their clients? A company will serve its clients by its employees. How it can be optimized? The way a company serve its clients  depends on the process or business model of the company. How those processes are built? How those business model is created? That is created by the leaders in the company. Who are those leaders in the company? Those are the persons who are chosen to lead the company.  There will be CEO, and CFO, HR and many more departments to support him. Who will choose the CEO? It is the directors of the company. Now the final question is who'll choose the directors? It is chosen by the shareholders of the company.

If the shareholders of a company are wise then they'll choose better directors, better directors will choose better leaders in company like CEO, CFO etc.  The team of CEO will make better decisions  in serving clients of selling its products to customers, which results in better operating profit. and better operating profit results in adding more to net assets of a company. More the net assets of a company means more the value of scrip of that company in stock markets.  It boils down to the fact that it is the persons who owns the shares of the company will decide the share value of that company in the future.  It is the shareholders who decide the value of the share in the stock market.  Here is another thing to note. Whoever owns more shares int the company has more rights in making decisions in the company.  Now what's more important is share holding patterns in the company. It is very important to look at the factor who owns most in a company. The future of the company will be decided by those shareholders.

What are the important qualities for those shareholders that we should look for? One of the most important thing is how much we can trust them. The trust matters everywhere. Also the person's ability to perceive business, ability to choose right persons.

Finally a fundamental analysis on stock markets needs a better analysis on the person who owns the most shares in a company. It will be more personality analysis, more about the amount of trust he generates, amount of wise decisions he makes for the company. 

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